Does Social Media Influence SEO and Rankings?

Yes, it’s the age-old question that no one seems to really have an answer for. But I’m feeling brave today, so I’ll venture to answer it. Here’s what made me think about this again, this time harder than usual and looking for specific answers: a discussion with a client. In my digital marketing agency, we work with […]

Tips for Creating Content That Influences Purchasing Decisions

If I’m certain of one thing, it’s that content is a game-changer. It does so many things at once – and effortlessly, if you get it right. It lets search engines find and rank you, which leads to people discovering you. It builds trust with those people. It underlines your authority in your field. Most […]

Strategies for Boosting Customer Reviews (Local Search Engine Optimisation)

Google at one time offered a total of seven local listings at the top of its search page. These coveted spaces have downsized to just three listings. Sponsored listings are no longer down the right side of the page, these three listings are currently positioned below the fold, meaning that Web users actually have to […]

Emerging Brands vs Established Category Leaders in Google Search

In both business and social spheres, people are talking about emerging new brands and how they are stirring up various marketplaces with their popularity with consumers.  Innovation and disruption is constantly happening and leads to some popular brands falling by the wayside while other new brands emerge in the blink of an eye. Take for […]

The Biggest eCommerce Seach Engine Optimisation Blunders

“You can’t just open a website and expect people to flood in. If you really want to succeed you have to create traffic.” — Joel Anderson, former president and CEO of Wal-Mart There are few factors more influential to the success of an eCommerce site than SEO. Search optimization mistakes can be extremely costly for your business. […]

5 Ingenious Ways to Boost Your Facebook Followers

Here’s the strange thing about Facebook: It’s still one of the most popular social networks, despite reports about an incremental decline from groups of users, like those aged 35-44. After all, it still has at least 1.86 billion active users monthly. Plus, it’s expected to grow by tens of millions of new users in the next four […]

Major Resources for Your Market Strategies: Targeting the Client

What are the major resources for your market strategies?  How does a confident and successful entrepreneur differ from one who has tried several times and has failed? The simple answer is that the confident guy earns more money than the guy who has failed. The longer answer is slightly more complicated.  It is connected with […]

7 Critical Social Media Questions that Businesses Need to Answer Now — Not Later

When social media first arrived on the business landscape more than two decades ago, it was widely viewed with a mixture of skepticism, indifference, or in some cases, outright hostility. According to some self-proclaimed business pundits and gurus, while it was conceivable that a small niche of B2C businesses might be able to leverage some […]

SEO And SMO: 4 Facts You Must Know

Most bloggers and website owners/managers are well familiar with the term SEO, or search engine optimization. This is a process through which one can come higher in the search results of any relevant keywords within a search engine like Google. SMO stands for social media optimization and is generally not so well known to a […]

Top 5 SEO Myths

When businesses are looking to turn their website into a lead generation tool, we always recommend a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Why? Because you can’t generate new leads with a website if prospects can’t find it when they are searching online. However, we’ve found that a lot of people have a bad taste in […]