4 Instant Tips to Scale Your Online Business

When your business starts flying it will grow quarterly all year round. That is, unless you grow very quickly, you will probably not be able to meet the customer’s needs and expectations or reach the growth phase equally. Planning for future growth is critical to life in e-commerce, right? Today’s business owners must be prepared […]

Hands-off Content Creation: How to Leverage UGC On & Off Social Media

One strategic decision could mean the difference between increasing e-commerce sales by 50% year-over-year, or not. And for the British clothing brand Burberry, this was their exact outcome after launching a website called “the Art of the Trench” in 2009. The concept for this site was simple: Provide a space for customers to share photos of themselves […]

What are LSI Keywords and how do They Impact SEO?

Suppose you are at a construction site. You see the site engineer using a measuring tape to find out the length of a wall. A little later, he tells his colleague to note down 30 feet. Using your senses, you quickly understand that ‘feet’ here refers to the unit of measurement and not the human […]

How Important Is Content to SEO (According to Google)?

Google is not the only search engine. But when it comes to ranking factors, it’s pretty much the only one that matters. By handling 90% of the worldwide searches, Google is the go-to source of information for search engine marketers. There’s a tiny problem, though: Google is also notoriously stingy with releasing official information about what […]

Obsolete SEO Practices You Should Ditch Right Now

How often are you adjusting your SEO strategy – monthly, yearly, never? It’s tempting to say “why fix it if it ain’t broken?”, but with SEO you should never wait until something truly breaks to switch things around.  SEO evolves because user preferences evolve. However angry you may be at the latest Google algorithm change, […]